Tag Archives: 2017

Re-View: Grundriss | FRF17 / 02.09.17

Here are some impressions from our live performance during the pre-program of Freiraum Festival: Grundriss. On Saturday afternoon, we excavated a volley ball pit for new condos in the east side of Leipzig. Corinna D’Schoto initiated severe industrialization of the area while Tidal Grace opened Genteel Cafe, and gave us a presentation on “coffee-shop etiquette.” Find us back in the east-side this Saturday September 9th, participating in the Freiraum Festival!

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International residents
Christian Brown (Design and Print; New Orleans, USA)
Corinna D’Schoto (Installation, Painting; Glasgow, Scotland)
Dew Kim (Conceptual, Digital, Installation, Video; London, UK)
George de Moura (Animation, Video; East Hampton, USA)
Hai-Hsin Huang (Painting, Drawing; New York, USA)
Hean Kim (Mixed Media; Seoul, South Korea)
Martin Holz (Installation, Writing. Leipzig, Germany)
Melissa Casella (Installation, Sculpture; Mar del Plata, Argentinia)
Natalia Kalicki (Painter, Installation, Leipzig, Germany)
Sheena Scott (Film, Video; Bridlington, UK)
Tidal Grace (Painting, Mixed Media; Vancouver, Canada)
Yiyang Cao (Installation, Digital, Film, Sound, Video; New York, USA)

Freiraum Festival