Tag Archives: Toronto

WELCOME NEW PILOTS // 29th round

We are proud to announce the pilots of the 29th round during from june until september 2016:

Cristiano Carotti (Sculpture, Site specific, Painting, Video; Stroncone, Italy)
Eden Auerbach Ofrat (Video, Video Installation; Tel-Aviv, Israel)
Fernando Davis (Painting; Brasil)
Gabriel Secchin (Painting; Brasil)
Katarina Henriksson (Mixed Media, Installation, Painting; Farsta, Sweden)
Mara Marxt & Tyler Lewis (Sound, Installation, Performance; Austria & Montreal, Canada)
Mazen Khaddaj (Painting; Beirut, Lebanon)
Milena Roglic (Painting; Toronto, Canada)

Nina Perlman (Photography, Printmaking, Artist Books; New York, USA)
Sally Lia Vigano (Installation, Printmaking, Sculpture; Italy)
So Jin Lim (Drawing, Installation, Mixed Media; Seoul, South Korea)
Wednesday Kim (Installation, Mixed Media; New York, USA)

Welcome to leipzig & the project ‘PILOTENKUECHE’!