Tag Archives: China

Re-view: ‘FULL STOP’ Finissage / 27.05.17

Here are some impressions of the finnisage to the final of our most recent residents from Brazil, Belgium, Greece, Canada, Sweden, Northern Ireland, USA, UK, Russia, Malaysia, China, and South Korea after their three month term in PILOTENKUECHE. We spent the evening in good company, and we thank the attendants who came out to say goodbye.

Impressions of the closing event


All photos by PK

Exhibition View


All photos by PK

Anita Goes (Photography, Video; Brazil)
Carole Lallemand (Painting, Video; Belgium)
Despina Charitonidi (Sculpture, Performance, Installation; Greece)
Dani Minuskin (Painting, Sculpture, Installation; Toronto, Canada)
Eric Andersson (Visual Art, Architecture; Sweden)
Ho Man Law (Video, Conceptual; Hong Kong)
Ian Cumberland (Painting; Northern Ireland)
Josef Ka (Installation, Performance, Video; Moscow, Russia)
Persia Phillips
(Painting; San Francisco, USA)
Peter Vance (Conceptual, Process-based media, Drawing, Installation; London, UK)
Ryan Hatfield (Installation, Painting; USA)
Sun Chang (Installation, Performance, Sound;London, UK)
Yerin Kim (Scultpure, Performance, Mixed Media, Drawing, Activism; South Korea)
Zeke Kan (Conceptual, Installation, Painting, Sculpture; Toronto, Canada, Malaysia)
Guest Artists
Hannes Uhlenhaut (Sculpture; Leipzig, Germany)
Marie Lynn Ravens (Sculpture, Performance; Leipzig, Germany)
hansen_windisch (Music; Leipzig, Germany)