Tag Archives: Nancy Mteki

WELCOME NEW PILOTS // 27th round

We are proud to announce the pilots of the 27th round during from october until january 2016:

Cleo Sanchez (Installation; Spain)
Dongkwang Jo (Mixed Media, Installation; Scotland)
Doris Hansen (Drawing, Objects; Germany)
Henry Kunkel (Painter; Boston, USA)
Jenny Lewis (Photography, Mixed Media, Performance; Glasgow, Scotland)
Katherine Wildman (Painter, Drawer, Sculpture; USA)
Magdalen Chua (Conceptual, Writing; Japan)
Mazen Khaddaj (Painter; Lebanon)
Nazli Ceren Ozerdem (Mixed Media, Photography, Textile; Istanbul, Turkey)

Štěpán Beránek (Sculpture; Czech)
Tadasuke Jinno (Mixed Media; USA)
Tanja Laeri (Architecture, Drawing, Painting; Swiss)

Nancy Mteki (Photography; PILOTS STIPEND 2015; Zimbabwe)
Patrick Segura (Mixed Media; PILOTS STIPEND 2015; USA)

Welcome to leipzig & the project ‘PILOTENKUECHE’!