Tag Archives: Hai-Hsin Huang

PILOTS at Salon Similde // 20.07.17

Last week, we initiated our public program with a pop-up show in the south side of Leipzig. Here are some impressions of ‘Leipzig Singles Club.’  We thank the organizers Alexander Pehlemann, Jens Pfuhler, Carsten Busseguests, our pilots Dew KimGeorge de Moura, Hai-Hsin Huang, Sheena Scott, and Yiyang Cao, as well as our guests! We hope to see you at our preview show UNS Gefällt ALLES and at final exhibit Buttersäure-Senf


All Photos by PK & Hai-Hsin Huang

Dew Kim (Conceptual, Digital, Installation, Video; London, UK)
George de Moura (Animation, Video; East Hampton, USA)
Hai-Hsin Huang (Painting, Drawing; New York, USA)
Sheena Scott (Film, Video; Bridlington, UK)
Yiyang Cao (Installation, Digital, Film, Sound, Video; New York, USA)

Further Links
Salon Similde