Tag Archives: Salon Similde

PILOTS at Salon Similde // 01.09.16

Here are some impressions of the guest exhibition ‘Störung: Into the Hole Hole Hole‘ of three of our artists from Brasil, South Korea & Canada at ‘Salon Similde‘ (one facebook). We thank the organizers Alexander Pehlemann, Jens Pfuhler, Carsten Busseguests, our pilots Gabriel Secchin, Milena Roglic, Wednesday Kim & all guests. Moreover we’re happy to announce, that PILOTENKUECHE & the ‘Salon Similde‘ will work together. We’re looking forward for an fruitful collaboration. Next week the artists Fernando Davis, So Jin Lim & Sally Lia Vigano will show their works during the exhibition ‘Störung: Fleecy Clouds on the Floor‘. We hope to see you there and are looking forward to meet you during our final exhibition ‘Jungle Gym of Mind’ on 17 & 18th September.

Special Thanks to Milena Roglic for initiating!

Gabriel Secchin (Painting; Brasil)
Milena Roglic (Painting; Toronto, Canada)
Wednesday Kim (Installation, Mixed Media; New York, USA)

Impressions of the exhibition

All photos by Salon Similde