Tag Archives: artist

Adrienne M Finnerty: Embracing Change

Sometimes life follows a predictable path. However, we can also forge our own path. Embracing change allows you to widen your life experience, or to simply enrich yourself in intellectual and artistic pursuits. Such was the case for Irish artist Adrienne M Finnerty. After working in the dental and psychotherapy fields, she transitioned into a gifted painter and her  flow has been unstoppable since.

Creativity is in Adrienne’s DNA. She grew up with her father constantly whistling, reciting poetry, telling stories and drawing little characters, despite having had left school at 14. In a different world, it’s no doubt he would have been an artist or a writer. Adrienne tried three different art schools. First studying graphic design and then textile design, somehow she felt these subjects were not for her. She then trained as a Dental Hygienist. This afforded her a stable income and  allowed her to raise her children with flexibility. Ever craving new knowledge, she continued to gain additional qualifications. Her training as a hypno-psychotherapist led her to more holistic solutions. This led to working with a technique called “Dancing the Rainbow”. This unique form of body therapy allows body healing through movement, art and color. Naturally, it brought her back to art and she has continued to paint ever since.

Adrienne’s nourishment

Adrienne draws inspiration from her environment. She was moved by the landscapes filled with colourful flora and fauna she encountered on trekking excursions to Vietnam, Lesotho and the Brazilian rain forrest. Upon returning to Ireland she created series of paintings based on the images she collected. Further inspiration came from trips to India, China, The States, Kenya and Tanzania. She also experiences new perspectives while on art residencies. Those took her to, among others, Puglia, Italy, Dampierre-sur-Boutonne, France and now, Leipzig.

     images by PILOTENKUECHE or supplied by artist 

Engrossed in reading, she has been impressed by the book Ninth Street Women, a compelling account of five artists in the 1940s and 1950s in the USA who changed modern art. The five artists include Joan Mitchell, Helen Frankenthaler, Grace Hartigan, Elaine de Kooning, and Lee Krasner.

As an artist, she employs a technique of layering as a way of creating her paintings, with charcoal, pastel pencils, and acrylic. She defines her style as contemporary abstract, using her whole body with spontaneous movements to paint. Moreover, in her own studio in Connemara, she can draw inspiration from the captivating hues of the sea, sky, and beaches with different colors, especially turquoise, indigo, and yellow-green, the cherished palette of colors she uses. 

What is next?

Primarily, Adrienne yearned to get away from everything, to escape to a tranquil space to think and paint. Her overarching goal is to continue her artistic journey and to constantly evolve her art skills. Regarding her paintings, she envisions developing her abstract style, merging her very free-flowing work with her more structured patterned work. While on her enriching residency at PILOTENKUECHE, she has exhibitions in Ireland and Scotland and India in 2024. Additionally, an upcoming showcase in Dublin awaits, promising to be another highlight in her artistic journey.

written by Diégo Philip

Keep up with Adrienne on her instagram and upcoming shows.

Art at the Mill Garden

The Kilkenny Art Gallery in association with The Berkeley Art Gallery
coinciding with AKA, TCAF and The Kilkenny Arts Festival

Grennan Mill, Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny R95CF62

6-20 Aug 11AM-6PM

Circle Becoming Body

Vernissage 19 Aug 7-10 PM

Alte Handelsschule
Giesserstr 75
04229 Leipzig

Open Sun 20, Sat 26, Sun 27 Aug 4-8PM

Train Inspectors Every Day

Vernissage 16 Sept 7-10 PM
Open Sun 17 – Wed 20 Sept 4-8 PM

Franz-Flemming-Str 9
04179 Leipzig