Category Archives: news

Goodbye PK RD39, Hello PK RD40

Three months goes by so fast! It feels like just when you are getting to know each other, it’s time to go. Round 39, we will miss your passion and laughter. Happily, a few of you have stayed behind.

Here are some RD39 moments to treasure.

We want to extend a warm welcome to Round 40. It’s good to see the studio buzzing again. We look forward to a great summer spent making memories and exploding in creativity.



International residents
Anabel Najera-Lopez(ceramics, painting: El Paso,Texas, USA)
Coffee Kang(visual art, mixed media installation: Shanghai, China/Los Angeles, USA)
Cristina Prudente(multidisciplinary: IT/UK)
Daniel Long (painting, projection mapping: Saigon, Vietnam)
Eliana Jacobs(etching, objects, collage, conceptual: Vancouver, BC, Canada)
Izdehar Afyouni (painting, scultpture: Palestine)
Jana Moser (drawing: Melbourne, VIC, Australia)
Karine Frechette(painting: Montreal, Canada)
Kate Jones (Montreal, Canada)
Louis Bouvier(drawing sculpture, installation: Montreal, Canada)
Maria Dominga Vergara(painting: Santiago, Chile)
Marjin Roos Lindgreen (architecture, installation: Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Sabrina Jolicoeur (photography, fibre art, installation, video, performance: Montreal, Canada)

Local Participants
Elisabeth Kraus(interdisciplinary; Leipzig, Germany)
Jos Diegel(painting, film, performance: Leipzig, Germany)

Clementine Butler-Galle(London, UK)

AssistantsAdrian Klaus Rotzscher(drawing, illustration, book making: San Francisco, CA, USA)
Ellisha Walkden-Williams (art history: London, UK)
Kristina Nizamova (arts management: Hostivica, Czech Republic)



International residents
Adam Tuch (sound, digital art, installation, US)
Agathe Barre (film, FR)
Antonia Wetzel (performance, painting, DE)
Ariel Taylor (painting, US)
Clément Bedel (painting,FR)
Christopher Sperandio (comics, US)
Darien Crossley (performance, painting, US)
Helene Planquelle (painting, drawing; Paris, France)
Isaac Magner (sound design, video, UK) 
Michella Perera (sculpture, UK)
Tom Alexander Austin (video, UK)
Vernon O´Meally (painting, US)
Zara June Williams (painting, AU)
Zheng Wenxin (painting, CH)

Local Participants
Matthias Geisler (painting, printmaking, DE)
Simon Schäfer (digital art, DE)

Colette Patterson(UK)

Fiona Irene Graf (UK)
Huai-ya Lin (TW) 
Silvia Zandomeneghi (IT)
milkafterfish (instagram)
Stanley Louis (HA)
iam_stanlouis (instagram)