Author Archives: Magdalena Cichon

Visiting: Shaima Sobhy // 06.04.18

On Thursday, PILOTENKUECHE visited the studio of Shaima Sobhy, whose paintings are influenced by her Egyptian heritage. Shaima was born in Dubai, worked at German University Cairo and is currently writing her Ph.D.-thesis at Bauhaus University Weimar.

The mostly female figures she displays are often provocatively naked, their bodies twisted in surrealistic deformations, often sexualized, partly veiled, oscillating between two extremes of visibility and complete disguise. Especially in older works, she also includes references to traditional ancient Egyptian artwork. She talked about her motifs as well as her experiences with exhibiting her art in Cairo and Leipzig.
Thank you Shaima for having us!

All Photos by Pilotenkueche


Shaima Sobhy in LVZ
Shaima Sobhy on Facebook