The studio is alive with creative energy. All those who came to our Open Studios (Designers Open Spot) last weekend were able to see the work in progress and talk to the artists. Those who couldn’t, don’t fear. We have two shows coming up and each has its own special flair.

This exhibition represents the accumulation of ever-accelerating rhythms in the altermodern
world and the momentum of regeneration. A spiralling ascension of energy followed by the
shedding of skin and matter, folding backwards into grey foundations of urban displacement.
There is a convergence of ancient forests and radiant future seed particles, mapping
migratory paths through time and space. The body is but a site of irrational experience which
confronts the machines of carbon-heavy Modernity.
A Kali-destructive rampage of nihilism anticipates the coming still; hyper-sensitising rituals,
filament tensions and porous-smooth materiality of the posthuman condition. This is an
emerging non-state where the more-than-human world metamorphoses in perpetuum into a
new corporeal becoming. The uncontaminated hierarchs falter and drop from the sky.
Patricia Brien, Curator
Reset unsettling flesh layers
Fri 15 Nov
performances TBA
Sat 16/ Sun 17
Thur 21/Fri 22/Sat 23
Alte Handelsschule
Giesserstr 75

From nonmatter emerges poetic spaces of nothingness. This spatial emptiness waxes dark
mass and a new spiritual gestation. A coded dialogue is written in the deep seams of carbon,
bearing the deconstruction of material and nonlinear points of multiplicity. Sharp angles
mutate into gentle recesses, energised with the properties of light and the intimacy of a
The pleasure in the surge of viscosity, and the illusion of vulnerability creates a space
between people, an assemblage which orientates the human to positive kinetic chaos.
Patricia Brien, Curator
Overwhelmed incorporeal happiness
Sat 14 Dec
peformances TBA
Sun 15 Dec/Tue 17 Dec/Wed 18 Dec
Franz-Flemming-Str 9
PK RD41 International Artists
Wim Warrink (NL)
Daniel Domingo Schweitzer (ES)
Natacha Martins (PT)
Tamara Jacquin (ES/CL)
Travis D. Hendrix (AU)
David Elias Schilling (DE/ AT)
Cecilia Klementsson (SE)
Ingrid Pumayalla (PE)
Alison Hui (HK)
Mirjam Bürer (NL)
mgmn (LT)
Daniela Trinkl (AT)
PK RD41 Leipzig Artists
Patricia Brien (AU/UK)
Agnes Deruma
Elnaz Mostaan