Author Archives: Zeynep Ayta

Mathilde Castaignède: nurturing connections

“Curating is about taking care of the artists, the space, and the public,” French curator Mathilde Castaignède says, emphasizing that the root of the word “curator” is “care”. In today’s art world, the role of the curator is still a subject of debate. While some curators position themselves higher in the hierarchy, Mathilde emphasizes collaboration, communication, and support. Forming a curatorial stance focused on human connections, she remains mindful of her own experiences and privileges. In a way that would awe her shy 13-year-old self, Mathilde is constantly chasing new experiences in places from Nepal to Brazil and finds fulfillment in collaborating with creative minds. 

Mathilde explores the alternative

Born in Bordeaux, France, Mathilde is an independent curator and art critic. Initially trained in design at Université Bordeaux Montaigne, she discovered her passion for showcasing the works of others. Changing her path towards curating, she completed a Master’s in Curatorial Practices at the University Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne. In addition to having worked with diverse cultural institutions worldwide, she is currently working on independent projects as the founder of the curatorial and research collective Küsse Berlin

“We could say my life started in Nepal.”

While many chose to go backpacking through Europe at 20, Mathilde went to Nepal with a humanitarian mission. While there, she found herself fascinated by Nepal’s contemporary art scene. Deciding to return 6 months later, she worked at the Bikalpa Art Center. Embracing the possibility of alternative exhibition formats, she felt comfortable with the less conventional institutional codes of display. She produced and co-curated the 48H ABRACADABRA Festival in Kathmandu, centering around the theme of our relationship with nature. 

images by PILOTENKUECHE or supplied by curator

Mathilde says she learned “the notion of life differently” in her nomadic period, deconstructing her Eurocentric vision of life. With a desire to continue this approach and the collective spirit, she founded the collective Küsse Berlin. Planning to open up a concept space in Berlin, the collective’s future will be a place where art, design, fashion, and publishing can meet.

Beyond conventional spaces

Raised by a “punk” father, her interest in the “alternative” goes back to her childhood. Even during her bachelor in design, she was more drawn to the avant-garde movements and never dreamed of working inside a white cube. Intrigued by the concept of artist-run spaces, she devoted her master’s thesis to investigating rural art spaces in Brazil. However, merely interviewing those involved with this new model of artist residencies was not enough for Mathilde, she felt compelled to experience them firsthand. 

Having attended two research residencies and visited others in Brazil, Mathilde says the rural art spaces “emerge as factories of possibilities, laboratories of experimentation, and tangible utopias.” These experiences also deepened her connection to nature, facilitating a greater sensitivity to her environment, whether it be living in Rio de Janeiro or waking up in the middle of the rain forest. Mathilde is currently working on an editorial and sound project titled THE RETREAT. The project will not only function as a map of different rural art spaces in Brazil, but also include experimental music composed from the sounds Mathilde archived there. 

A new chapter for Mathilde

Passionate about topics such as alternative art spaces, and environmental and social engagement, Mathilde Castaignède views curation as a platform for collaborative experimentation. Whenever she feels disconnected from herself, she regains her strength by traveling and exploring new places. Looking forward to rediscovering herself during the residency at PILOTENKUECHE, Mathilde is eager to work on a tangible curatorial project in collaboration with the residents. 

written by Zeynep Ayta 

windy HOME
part of Tour de Franz

Sat 25 & Sun 26 May
2PM – 7PM

Franz-Flemming-Str 9
04179 Leipzig

mute BODY

Vernissage Fri 21 June 7-10 PM
Sat 22 – Wed 26 June 4-8 PM

Alte Handelsschule
Giesserstr 75
04229 Leipzig